Goggle Football is our brand new revolutionary and ridiculously funny game that
brings a whole new meaning to the term "BEER GOGGLES".
Goggle Football aka Binocular Football consists of 10 players wearing our uniquely designed googles
whilst playing a game of 5-aside football. The goggles are specially designed to distort and impair
your field of vision giving the illusion that football is a much further distance away or closer to
you than it actually is! Be prepared for fresh air kicks and maximum hilarity!
We also host a variety of "Game in Games" as well as the traditional game of
The group is split into 2 separate teams who work together in order to race around
the circuits set out by the event coordinator as fast as they can. The first team to complete the
full circuit wins.
In the game of Keep Ball selected players form a circle around 1 or 2 of the other
players who are wearing goggles. The
players forming the circle and not wearing goggles have 1 football between them. The object of this
game is to keep possession of the ball
whilst passing it between the outer circle of players without the players wearing the goggles
winning the ball.
A normal game of penalty shootout with a twist. The player taking the penalty will
be wearing the specially designed goggles, but before they take their shot they must spin around on the
spot 5 times! The object of the game is to beat the keeper and score.
Aim of the game is for all players to line up across the pitch and take a shot each
of striking the football off the crossbar...traditional old school game with added twist of wearing
the goggles. Much harder than it sounds!
The group is split into two separate teams with the object of the game being who can
score the most goals. First of all the two teams are lined up at opposite ends of the pitch. One at
a time the players must run to the halfway line and round a placed cone, then turn back facing
towards their goal. A team mate will then pass a ball to them and the player must strike the ball
and try to score. This format continues until all players have had a shot at goal.
A traditional game of 5-A-Side football wearing the uniquely designed goggles. 8
minutes pair match, most goals wins!
Goggle Football is the perfect event for Stag/Hen Doo's, Team Building & Corporate
Events, Kids Birthday Parties and Gala Days.
*This activity can be booked separately or even better booked as part of a multi activity for more fun and madness*